Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XX) (Acts 14:1-27)», Vol. 22 (2009) 107-132
Acts 14:1-27 continues the story of the mission of Paul and Barnabas among the Gentiles, illustrating what happened when they had decided to turn from the Jews (cf. 13.46-47) to devote their attention to the Gentiles. Following an account of Paul's initial struggle with this decision, brought out more clearly in Codex Bezae, Luke describes the mitigated success of his first deliberate attempts to talk with the Gentiles about the gospel. The establishment of the first churches as a result of the missionary work of Paul and Barnabas is described as the passage concludes by bringing the missionaries back to Antioch of Syria, where Luke is careful to maintain the focus on the Gentiles.
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 115
[d] 10a Paul, looking intently at him 10a And he, looking intently
and seeing that he had faith to at him and seeing that he had
be healed, said to him in a loud faith to be healed, said to him in
voice, ‘To you I say in the name a loud voice, ‘Stand upright on
of the Lord Jesus: Stand upright your feet’.
on your feet and walk’.
[e] 10b And at once, without fur- 10b And immediately, he leapt
ther ado, he sprang up and up and walked,;
[e’] 11 When the crowds saw what 11 and when the crowds saw what
Paul had done, they raised their Paul had done, they raised their
voices in Lycaonian saying, ‘The voices, in Lycaonian, saying,
gods have become like mortals ‘The gods have become like mor-
and have come down to us’. tals and have come down to us’.
[d’] 12 (Barnabas they called Zeus, 12 (They called Barnabas Zeus,
but Paul Hermes, since he was but Paul Hermes, since it was he
interpreting the message.) who was the interpreter of the
[c’] 13 The priests of the local Zeus 13 The priest of the Zeus who
Propolis, bringing bulls and was in front of the city, bring-
garlands to them at the gates, ing bulls and garlands to the
wished to sacrifice with the gates, wished to sacrifice with
crowds. the crowds.
[b’] 14 When Barnabas heard, and 14 When the apostles Barnabas
Paul, tearing their clothes they and Paul heard, tearing their
rushed right out into the crowd, clothes they rushed out into the
crying out and shouting, 15 crowd, crying out and saying, 15
‘Men, what is this that you are ‘Men, what is this that you are
doing? We are mortal men just doing? We also are mortal men,
like you, and we proclaim to just like you, and we proclaim
you the good news of God, so good news, that you turn from
that you would turn from these these powerless things to a liv-
powerless things to the living ing God, who made heaven and
God, the one who made heaven earth and the sea and all things
and earth and the sea and all in them, 16 who in past genera-
things in them, 16 who in past tions allowed all the nations to
generations allowed the various go their own ways; 17 and yet he
nations to go their own ways; 17 did not leave himself without a
and certainly, he did not leave witness, since he has done good
himself without a witness, since to you, giving you rain from
he has performed good to you, heaven and fruitful seasons, and
giving you rain from heaven and filling your hearts with food and
fruitful seasons, and filling your gladness.’.
hearts with food and gladness.’.