Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVII) (Acts 11:19–12:25).», Vol. 18 (2005) 135-166
The present section deals with the events concerning the conversion of Peter (Acts 9:31–11:18) whereby he at last comes to understand that the good news of Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles alike. Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from 8:29 to 10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b to 10:4, we have noted in the Critical Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian text. From 10:4b (fol. 455a), the Latin text of Codex Bezae is available. The Greek text starts at 10:14b (fol. 455b).
144 Josep Rius-Camp and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
section is brought to a close with a report of the response of the disci-
ples in Antioch to the warning, namely, to send relief to the brethren in
Judaea; a final aside states that this did indeed take place, mentioning as
bearers of the gifts the names of Barnabas and Saul whose visit will serve
as a frame for the forthcoming section concerning the church in Judaea.
The sending of help from Antioch to Judaea is the first indication in Acts
of the theme of financial support given by the Gentile disciples to their
Jewish brethren, a theme that will become prominent in the narrative
concerning Saul/Paul.
Codex Bezae D05 Codex Vaticanus B03
[a1] 11:27a It was in these days that prophets 11:27a It was in these same days that
came down from Hierosoluma to prophets came down from Hierosoluma
Antioch. to Antioch.
[a2] 27b (There was much exultation.)
[b1] 28 When we were gathered together, 28 One from among them called Agabus
one from among them called Agabus stood up and indicated through the
spoke, indicating through the Spirit Spirit that there was about to be a great
that there was about to be a great famine over all the inhabited earth.
famine over all the inhabited earth.
[b2] (This happened in the time of Clau- (This happened in the time of Clau-
dius.) dius.)
[a’1] 29 So the disciples, depending on 29 So according to how any of the dis-
how they prospered, determined ciples prospered, they determined each
each one of them to send something one of them to send something as a ser-
as a service to the brethren living in vice to the brethren living in Judaea.
[a’2] 30 (They did indeed do this, sending 30 (They did indeed do this, sending it
it to the elders by the hand of to the elders by the hand of Barnabas
Barnabas and Saul.) and Saul.)
Critical Apparatus
11:27 ( ν) α τα B 323. 614. 1611. 2412 ‖ τα ται D d ) rell.
B03 gives particular emphasis to the idea that the visit of the prophets
took place during the very time just mentioned, that is, the year Barnabas
and Saul spent in Antioch13.
Cf. Barrett, I, 561 who wrongly ascribes the reading of α τα to D05.