Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The variant readings of the western text of the acts of the Apostles (XV) (Acts 9:1-30)», Vol. 16 (2003) 133-145
The present section deals with the events following the conversion of
Saul (Acts 9:1-30). Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from
8:29–10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b–10:4, we have noted in the Critical
Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian
text but at no time consider that a single text, equivalent in its uniformity
to the Alexandrian one, can be reconstructed from these readings. The differences
among the so-called ‘Western’ witnesses are considerable, and it is
almost certain that there were readings of Codex Bezae that are represented
by none of them and that cannot therefore be retrieved.
134 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
Peter will be the first, unwittingly and despite his profound resistance,
who is used by God to announce the gospel to non-Jews and to witness
the gift of the Holy Spirit to them. Peter’s portrait will form the third
story of the present series ([BA’] 9:31–11:18).
Saul’s story opens in Ierousalem, with the name of Saul and the theme
of persecution making a link back to the first mention of his name (7:58;
8:1a.3). The setting then transfers to Damascus where a new character,
Ananias, is introduced and where Saul stays with the disciples after his
baptism, preaching in the synagogues. However, on account of the per-
secution that arises against him within the synagogues, Saul has to flee
to Ierousalem where Barnabas reappears (cf. 4:36) to introduce Saul to
the apostles, but it is not long before he also has to leave there amidst
continued hostility and return to his home town of Tarsus.
The story falls clearly into three episodes, [A], [B] and [A’], with the
central one describing the mission entrusted by Jesus to Saul. The final
episode is made up of three smaller scenes, [A’A] [A’B] [A’A’]:
[A] 9:1-9 Saul’s encounter with Jesus
[B 9:10-19a Ananias
9:19b-30 Saul among the disciples
[A’A] 9:19b-22 Saul in Damascus
[A’B] 9:23-25 The plot of the Jews
9:26-30 Saul in Ierousalem
‘Western’ Text Codex Vaticanus B03
[Aa] 1 Saul, still breathing threats and 1 Saul, because he was breathing
murder against the disciples of threats and murder against the
the Lord, went to the High Priest disciples of the Lord, went to the
2 and asked for letters from him High Priest 2 and asked for letters
to the synagogues in Damascus, so from him to the synagogues in
that if he found anyone from this Damascus, so that if he found anyone
‘Way’, whether men or women, he who belonged to the ‘Way’, whether
could arrest them and bring them men or women, he could arrest them
to Ierousalem. and bring them to Ierousalem.
[b] 3 In the course of his journey, he 3 In the course of his journey, he
had reached the point where he was had reached the point where he was
getting near to Damascus when getting near to Damascus when
suddenly there flashed around him suddenly around him there flashed a
a light from heaven. light out of heaven.