Antonio Piñero, «New Testament Philology Bulletin no 29-30», Vol. 15 (2002) 171-194
This section of the Journal covers articles or books related to the following fields: General Grammar. Tools. Characterisation of Biblical Greek / Textual Criticism / Stylistics / Structures / Literary Studies and Criticism / Phonetics and Accentuation / Morphology / Rhetoric / Semantics / Semiotics / Semitisms / Syntax / Translation / Vocabulary / Mixed phi-lological methods.
178 Antonio Piñero
–an illustration of righteousness, and I.R. Kitzberger on Synoptic
women in John– interfigural readings.
36. LINDEMANN, A., “Jesus und der Sabbat: Zum literarischen Charakter
der Erzählung Mk 3,1-6â€, in S. Maser - E. Schlarb (eds.), Text und
Geschichte: Facetten theologischen Arbeitens aus dem Freundes-
und Schülerkreis. FS D. Lührmann, Marburg (Elwert) 1999,
37. MALBON, E.S., In the Company of Jesus: Characters in Marks Gospel.
Louisville (Westminster/Knox) 2000, XX + 244 pp.
38. MEGGIT, J.J., “Artemidorus and the Johannine Crucifixionâ€, JHighCrit
5 (1998) 203-208. The a. compares the use of ὑψόω in Jn 3:14;
8:28; 12:32. 34, in which the cross is transformed in an instru-
ment of exaltation, and ὑψηλός in some passages of Artemidorus’
Oneirocritica (2:53; 4:49). The idea of elevation in this sense
could be familiar not only in the Hebrew language, but also to
the Mediterranean world in general.
39. MEYER, A., “Biblische Metaphorik - gesellschaftlicher Diskurs: Rezep-
tionsästhetische Betrachtung über die Wirkung von Metaphern
am Beispiel Eph 5,21-33â€, TGl 90 (2000) 645-665. “Does meta-
phorical language form the discourse of reality, or is it itself
formed by social environment? The art. examines Eph 5:21-33
(a text which confirms both the traditional hierarchical concep-
tion and the one of equal partners), and asks how far the open
metaphorical language is able to promote this contrary reception
process, or even makes it inevitable. Moreover, criteria of meta-
phorical competence are advancedâ€.
40. MOIYISE, S., (ed.), The Old Testament in the New Testament. Essays
in Honour of J.L. North (JSNTSS 189). Sheffield (Academic)
2000, 302 pp. This FS has an essay by Judith Lieu on “Narrative
analysis and Scripture in Johnâ€.
41. NORTON, D., A History of the English Bible as Literature. Cambridge
(Univ. Press) 2000, XII + 484 pp. This book is a condensation and
at the same time a revised edition of the pertinent parts of the two
volume former work entitled A History of the Bible as Literature,
of 1992-1993 (See NTPhilBull 13,103). The new vol. deals with
the history of the English Bible as literature from the beginnings,
the King James Version up to the New English Bible (creators
of the language; The Great Bible; the Douai Bible; Milton, the
Romantics, the Revised Version, etc.).
42. PANIER, L., Récit et figures dans la Bible. Colloque d’Urbino. Lyon
(PROFAC - CADIR) 1999, 303 pp. This book is a collection of
art. using narrative and literary criticism on OT/NT texts. The