Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).», Vol. 25 (2012) 119-160
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles, Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his wellknown attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching activity.
146 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[b'] 9 The Lord said through a vision to 9 The Lord said in the night through
Paul in the night, ‘Stop being afraid, a vision to Paul, ‘Stop being afraid,
but carry on speaking and do not but carry on speaking and do not
become silent, 10 because I myself become silent 10 because I myself
am with you and no one shall at- am with you and no one shall at-
tack causing you to be harmed, be- tack you to harm you, because I
cause I have a large people in this have a large people in this city’.
[a'] 11 And he remained in Corinth for 11 He remained a year and six
a year and six months, teaching months, teaching the word of God
them the word of God. among them.
[A'a] 18:12a When Gallio was proconsul 18:12a When Gallio was proconsul
of Achaia, the Jews in unison rose of Achaia, the Jews rose up in uni-
up against Paul, having spoken to- son,
gether about him.
[b] 12b Laying hands on him, they 12b and they took him into the
took him into the court 13 shouting court 13 saying, ‘This man is incit-
out and saying, ‘This man is incit- ing people to worship God contrary
ing people to worship God contrary to the law’.
to the law’.
[c] 14 As Paul was about to open his 14 As Paul was about to open his
mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, mouth, Gallio said to the Jews,
‘If there had been some crime or ‘If there had been some crime or
fraudulent wrong-doing, I would be fraudulent wrong-doing, I would be
right to accept the complaint from right to accept the complaint from
you, Jewish men; 15 but if you have you Jews; 15 but if it is a matter of
a controversy about doctrines and questions about doctrines and titles
titles and this law of yours, you and this law of yours, you must see
must see to it yourselves. I do not to them yourselves. I have no desire
wish to act as a judge of these mat- to act as a judge of these matters.’
[b'] 16 And he sent them away from the 16 And he drove them out from the
court. court.
[a'] 17 However, all the Greeks took 17 They all took hold of Sosthenes,
aside Sosthenes, the leader of the the leader of the synagogue, and
synagogue but, while they were began beating him in front of the
beating him in front of the court, court, and Gallio took no notice of
Gallio pretended not to see. any of it.
Critical Apparatus
In chapter 18, there is the highest amount of additional material com-
pared with the AT in the whole of Bezan Acts. It is concentrated in the
first sequence, 18:1-11, and in 18:24-28, which is the start of the next and
final part of Acts. Thereafter, throughout the remaining extant Bezan
chapters (19:1–22:29), the proportion of additional to alternative material