Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).», Vol. 25 (2012) 119-160
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles, Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his wellknown attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching activity.
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 153
614 M | ἐν ὁρ. ἐν νυκ. τ. Π. 1241. 1518. 2495 | ἐν ὁράματι τ. Π. A (h) syp;
Chr || δι’ ὁράματοϛ τ. Π. ἐν νυκ. D, per visum Paulo per noctem d gig;
B03 highlights the time of the Lord’s speaking by placing the adverbial
phrase of time before the manner of speaking and Paul as the indirect
object; D05 highlights, in contrast, the vision, in keeping with the preface
to the speech (see above), which recalls the Lord speaking to his mes-
sengers in the Scriptures. The same order ‘in a vision … at night’ is found
at 16:9 D05.
18:10 (ἐπιθήσεταί) σοι B P74 a rell, te d || om. D E e gig h vgCT.
The omission of the pronoun in D05 after ἐπιθήσεται arises because
the verb is being used in that text in an absolute sense. As Delebecque
comments (Les deux Actes, p. 219): ‘La promesse de Dieu est plus directe:
“Personne ne s’efforcera de t’opprimer”.’
18:11 ἐκάθισεν δέ B P74 a A Ψ 33. 69. 614. 945. 1175. 1505. 1611. 1739.
1837. 1891. 2147. 2344. 2412. 2495 | ἐκάθισέν τε E H L P 049. 056 M ||
καὶ ἐκ. ἐν Κορίνθῳ D, et consedit in Corintho d h (syp.h**).— (ἐνιαυτὸν)
ἕνα (κενα a*) a2 || om. B D P74 rell.
δέ in B03 treats the statement about Paul’s continued residence in
Corinth as a new development following the vision of encouragement in
18:9-10. καί, in contrast, treats the vision and Paul’s response as one unit,
all of it in effect preparing for the new sequence beginning at 18:12. Stat-
ing the name of the city also serves to re-establish the setting as part of
the preparation, as well as reinforcing the correspondence between this
element [a'] and the opening one of the sequence [a]. It tallies with the
description of Paul’s teaching as ‘the word of God’, this being the term
reserved by Luke in this part of Acts, according to D05, for preaching
to the Gentiles.
a01 makes explicit the number of years.
(διδάσκων) ἐν αὐτοῖϛ B P74 rell, penes ipsos d || αὐτούϛ D 056 syp aeth;
The direct correspondence between a place and the inhabitants, seen
here in the direct object of D05, was also noted in a similar context
at 16:10b B03. See also Mk 1:21 D05: εἰσελθὼν εἰϛ τὴν συναγωγὴν
ἐδίδασκεν αὐτούϛ. The B03 reading presents Paul’s teaching in Corinth
as less personal and less purposeful.
18:12 (Γαλλίωνοϛ) δέ B P74 a rell || τε D, -que d.— οἱ Ἰουδαῖοι
ὁμοθυμαδόν B 330. 1505. 1828. 2495 || ὁμ. οἱ Ἰουδ. D, unanimiter Iudaei