Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV) (Acts 17:1–18:23).», Vol. 25 (2012) 119-160
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles, Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his wellknown attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching activity.
The Variant Readings of the Western
Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXIV)
(Acts 17:1–18:23)
In these final sequences of Part III of the Book of Acts, the second phase
of Paul’s missionary journey continues through Macedonia before moving
on to Greece where he spends a brief time in Athens before a more extended
stay in Corinth. Despite the divine intervention in Philippi in the previous
sequence, which focused attention on the evangelisation of the Gentiles,
Paul fails to follow this up but reverts to his earlier practice of devoting his
energy first and foremost to the Jews in the synagogues. In Athens, his well-
known attempt to speak to the Gentiles meets with little favour; it is only in
Corinth, after fierce opposition from the synagogue, that Luke records more
successful efforts to include the Gentiles as well as the Jews in his preaching
Keywords: Acts, Acts 17–18, Aquila and Priscilla, Athens, Agora,
Areopagus, Codex Bezae, Codex Vaticanus, Corinth, Dionysius the
Areopagite, Epicurean and Stoic philosophers, Jason, Paul, Silas, textual
criticism, Western text.
Part Three
III. The Second Phase of the Mission to the Gentiles (Macedonia and
Greece). 16:1–18:23 (concl.)
[D] 17:1-9 Macedonia II: Thessalonica
In Thessalonica, Paul will continue his practice of teaching in the
synagogues, preaching to Jews and God-fearers from the basis of the
Scriptures. His work will meet with a measure of success among Jews and
Gentiles alike, but will be attacked by hostile Jews who denounce them to
the Roman authorities as opponents of Caesar.
The sequence is made up of two equal halves, the first describing Paul’s
synagogue teaching and its positive results, and the second the attack of
unbelieving Jews of the city:
[a] 17:1 Journey to Thessalonica
[b] 17:2a Paul goes to the synagogue
Filología Neotestamentaria - Vol. XXV - 2012, pp. 119-160
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Córdoba (España)