Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XXII) (Acts 14:28–15:41)», Vol. 23 (2010) 175-200
In Chapter 15 of Acts, a point of critical importance for the growth of the Church and its relationship with Judaism is reached. Luke narrates the difficulty posed for Jewish Jesus-believers by the increasing number of Gentiles believers and the decision taken by the Church leaders in Jerusalem not to subject them to the usual conditions for proselytes. In the Bezan text, some conflict of opinion between Peter, Paul and Barnabas on the one hand, and James on the other is apparent, a tension that is attenuated in the Alexandrian text. Further conflict is also highlighted in Codex Bezae between Paul and Barnabas who separate following the meeting in Jerusalem.
180 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
concord, just as it is written, 16 ten, 16 “After these things, I will
“After these things, I will go back return and will build again the tent
and will rebuild the tent of David of David which has fallen, and the
which has fallen, and the ruins of remains of it I will rebuild, and I
it I will rebuild, and I will set it will set it up 17 so that the rest of
up 17 so that the rest of humanity humanity may seek the Lord, even
may seek God, even all the Gentiles all the Gentiles on whom is ca-
on whom is called my name”, says lled my name”, says the Lord who
the Lord. He will do these things. has been making these things 18
18 His work has been known to known forever.
the Lord forever.
[β] 19 Therefore, my judgement is that 19 Therefore, my decision is that
we should stop troubling those we should stop troubling those who
who turn from the Gentiles to God, turn from the Gentiles to God, 20 but
20 but we should write to them we should write to them to abstain
to abstain from the pollutions of from the idol sacrifices, illicit se-
idols, illicit sexual relations and xual relations, meat cooked in its
blood, and whatever they do not juices and blood. 21 For from an-
wish to happen to themselves, stop cient times Moses has had in every
doing to others. 21 For from an- city people proclaiming him in the
cient times Moses has had in every synagogues, where he is read every
city people proclaiming him, that Sabbath.’
is in the synagogues where he is
read every Sabbath.’
[a'] 22 Then it was decided by the 22 Then it was decided by the
apostles and the elders with the apostles and the elders with the
entire church to choose and send entire church to choose and send
men from among them to Antioch, men from among them to Antioch,
together with Paul and Barnabas together with Paul and Barnabas –
– Judas whom they called Barab- Judas whom they called Barsabbas
bas and Silas, leading men among and Silas, leading men among the
the brethren – 23a after writing brethren – 23a after writing, for
a letter for them to take by hand, them to take by hand,
which contained the following:
[α] 23b ‘The apostles and the el- 23b ‘The apostles and the elders
ders who are brethren, to tho- who are brethren, to the brethren
se in Antioch, Syria and Ci- in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia who
licia, the brethren who are are from the Gentiles, greetings!
from the Gentiles, greetings! 24 Since we heard that certain from
[β] 24 Since we heard that certain among us troubled you with their
people who had gone out from us talk, unsettling your minds, though
disturbed you with their talk, un- we did not give them instructions,
settling your minds, though we 25 we have decided, after becoming
did not give them instructions, 25 of one mind, to send to you men
we have decided, after becoming of whom we have chosen with our be-
one mind, to choose and send to loved Barnabas and Paul, 26 men
you men, with your beloved Bar- who have given up their lives on
nabas and Paul, 26 men who have account of the name of the Lord Je-
given up their life on account of sus Christ. 27 So we have sent Judas
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and Silas, to tell you themselves the