Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The variant readings of the western text of the acts of the apostles (XIII)», Vol. 15 (2002) 111-132
Josep Rius-Camps continues his series of notes on the readings of Codex Bezae in the text of Acts, in collaboration with Jenny Read-Heimerdinger. The present section deals with the events following Stephen’s death, namely the persecution of the Jesus-believers and the ministry of Philip.
Having undertaken a joint project to publish in English a commentary comparing the message of the Bezan text of Acts with that of the Alexandrian
tradition, adopting as a basis the commentary in Catalan of Josep Rius-Camps, we will continue the series of notes on the Acts of the Apostles
in both our names using the format of the English publication (of which the first volume on Acts 1–5 has recently appeared).
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XIII) 119
[a’] 24 Simon answered and said to 24 Simon answered and said to
them, ‘I beg you yourselves to them, ‘I beg you yourselves to pray
pray to God about me so that all to God for me so that all these bad
these bad things which you have things which you have spoken might
spoken to me might not happen not happen to me’.
to me’, and he did not cease cry-
[A’a] 25 Now when they had borne 25 Now when they had borne wit-
witness and spoken the word ness and spoken the word of the
of the Lord, they started to re- Lord, they started to return to Hier-
turn to Hierosoluma. They also osoluma and also evangelized many
evangelized many villages of villages of the Samaritans.
the Samaritans.
[b] 26 The angel of the Lord spoke 26 The angel of the Lord spoke to
to Philip saying, ‘Get up, go Philip saying, ‘Get up and start go-
down towards the south on the ing down towards the south on the
road that goes down from Ier- road that goes down from Ierousa-
ousalem to Gaza. It is a desert lem to Gaza. It is a desert road’.
[c] 27a And he got up and went. 27a And he got up and went.
[d] 27b And what did he find? A 27b And what did he find? A eu-
eunuch, a court ruler of a cer- nuch, a court ruler of Queen Can-
tain Queen Candace of Ethio- dace of Ethiopia who was in charge
pia who was in charge in all his in all her treasure. He had come
treasure. He had come worship- worshipping in Ierousalem 28 and
ping Ierousalem 28 and was re- was returning, and seated on his
turning seated on the chariot chariot he was reading the proph-
reading the prophet Isaiah. et Isaiah.
[e] 29a The Spirit said to Philip, 29a The Spirit said to Philip,
‘Western Text’ Codex Vaticanus B03
29b ‘Go and join this chariot’. 29b ‘Go and join this chariot’.
[f] 30 So Philip went and heard him 30 So Philip ran and heard him
reading the prophet Isaiah and he reading Isaiah the prophet and he
said, ‘Do you really understand said, ‘Do you really understand
what you are reading?’ what you are reading?’
[g] 31 He said, ‘However can I, 31 He said, ‘However can I, unless
unless someone shows me?’, and someone will show me?’, and he
he begged Philip to come up and begged Philip to come up and sit
sit with him. with him.