Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The variant readings of the western text of the acts of the apostles (XIII)», Vol. 15 (2002) 111-132
Josep Rius-Camps continues his series of notes on the readings of Codex Bezae in the text of Acts, in collaboration with Jenny Read-Heimerdinger. The present section deals with the events following Stephen’s death, namely the persecution of the Jesus-believers and the ministry of Philip.
Having undertaken a joint project to publish in English a commentary comparing the message of the Bezan text of Acts with that of the Alexandrian
tradition, adopting as a basis the commentary in Catalan of Josep Rius-Camps, we will continue the series of notes on the Acts of the Apostles
in both our names using the format of the English publication (of which the first volume on Acts 1–5 has recently appeared).
118 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[e′] 13 Simon himself believed and 13 Simon himself believed and
was baptized and even start- was baptized and started to follow
ed to follow Philip; and when Philip; and when he saw signs and
he saw signs and great miracles great miracles happening, he was
happening, he was astonished. astonished.
[Ba] 14 When the apostles in Ierou- 14 When the apostles in Ierousalem
salem heard that Samaria had heard that Samaria had received the
received the word of God, they word of God, they sent Peter and
sent Peter and John to them. 15 John to them. 15 They went down
They went down and prayed for and prayed for them so that they
them so that they might receive might receive the Holy Spirit.
the Holy Spirit.
[b] 16 (For it had not yet fall- 16 (For it had not yet fallen on any
en upon any of them; they had of them; they had only been bap-
only been baptized in the name tized in the name of the Lord Je-
of the Lord Jesus Christ.) sus.)
[c] 17 Then they began to lay hands 17 Then they began to lay hands
on them and they received the on them and they received the Holy
Holy Spirit. Spirit.
[c’] 18 When Simon saw that through 18 When Simon saw that through
the laying on of the apostles’ the laying on of the apostles’ hands
hands the Holy Spirit was given, the Spirit was given, he offered them
he offered them money, pleading money as he said, 19 ‘Give this au-
as he said, 19 ‘Give this authori- thority to me aswell, so that whoever
ty to me aswell, so that whoever I lay my hands on might receive the
I, too, lay my hands on might re- Holy Spirit’.
ceive the Holy Spirit’.
[b’] 20 Peter said to him, ‘Money be 20 Peter said to him, ‘Your money
damned with you, because you be damned with you, because you
thought you could get the gift of thought you could get the gift of
God through money. 21 There is God through money. 21 There is no
no part or share in this matter part or share in this matter for you,
for you; your heart is not right for your heart is not right before
before God. 22 So repent of this God. 22 So repent of this wicked-
wickedness of yours and pray to ness of yours and pray to the Lord
the Lord that, if possible, the in- that, if possible, the intent of your
tent of your heart might be for- heart might be forgiven you. 23 For
given. 23 For I perceive that you I see that you are in the gall of bit-
are in the gall of bitterness and terness and the bond of unright-
the bond of unrighteousness.’ eousness.’