Eva M. Synek, «Die Apostolischen Konstitutionen ein "christlicher Talmud" aus dem 4. Jh.», Vol. 79 (1998) 27-56
As a liturgical-canonical composition dating from Christian antiquity the Apostolic Constitutions should be compared with the Talmudim. This applies to: (1) the compiling and integrating character of this Christian work, its mixing of Haggadah and Halachah as well as its reference to authoritative witnesses to the tradition (compare e.g. apostle with rabbi and Jerusalem "council" with the "synod" of Javne), (2) its similar type of actualization and interpretation of the Torah, and (3) its being approximate by contempory with the Palestinian Talmud. Both Apostolic Constittitions and Talmud contain the written collectio of their respective traditions.
Wege-Lehre" liegt vielleicht eine jüdische Schrift zu Grunde 33. Für das achte Buch der CA bildet eine hinsichtlich ihrer Entstehung noch immer nicht wirklich enträtselte, meistens Traditio Apostolica (des Hippolyt) benannte Kirchenordnung 34 den Basistext.