Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVII) (Acts 11:19–12:25).», Vol. 18 (2005) 135-166
The present section deals with the events concerning the conversion of Peter (Acts 9:31–11:18) whereby he at last comes to understand that the good news of Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles alike. Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from 8:29 to 10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b to 10:4, we have noted in the Critical Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian text. From 10:4b (fol. 455a), the Latin text of Codex Bezae is available. The Greek text starts at 10:14b (fol. 455b).
The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles 161
The verb used by B03, παχθ ναι, literally means ‘led away’ and is some-
times used in the sense of ‘led to execution’ (cf. Lk. 23:26). ποκτανθ ναι
in D05 is more explicit and is found frequently in the active in Luke-Acts
as throughout the New Testament (though only once in the passive, cf.
Lk. 9:22).
20 ( ν) δ B P74 ) rell ‖ γ Ï D d syp aeth; Cass.
D05 links Herod’s visit to Caesarea to his dispute with the Tyrians and
the Sidonians. B03, on the other hand, makes the comment in anticipa-
tion of what is to follow (cf. notes on 12:9 above).
μοθυμαδ ν δ B P74 ) rell, unanimiter autem d | κα μ. P45; Lcf |
μ. τε Ψ 226c | μ. H* 945* ‖ ο δ μ. D 1828 gig p vg syhmg sa mae.– ξ
μφοτ Ïων Ï„ ν Ï€ λεων (Î¼ÎµÏ Î½ 614. 2412) D d (614). 808. (2412 syhmg)
mae ‖ om. B P74 ) rell.
D05 makes a particular point of the fact that people came to Herod
from both Tyre and Sidon. This will be important for the next part of the
story in D05 when the Tyrians are mentioned alone.
(Ï€Î±Ï ÏƒÎ±Î½) Ï€Ï Î± Ï„ ν B P74 ) rell; Lcf ‖ Ï€Ï. Ï„ ν βασιλ α D d mae.
At the point at which the people come to him, the function of Herod
as king is underlined in D05 by the mention of his role rather than ob-
liquely, as in the next clause of B03 (see next variant below).
( π το κοιτ νο ) το βασιλ ω B P74 ) rell mae ‖ α το D (d) 440.
Unlike D05, B03 has not already mentioned the role of Herod as king
(see previous variant).
(Ï„Ï Ï†ÎµÏƒÎ¸Î±Î¹) α Ï„ ν Ï„ ν χ Ïαν B P74 ) rell ‖ Ï„ χ Ïα α - D d 242.
(1270) gig p vg sa mae; Lcf.
D05 continues to treat the Tyrians and the Sidonians as two separate
identities (cf. the first variant of this verse above).
π (τ βασιλικ ) B P74 ) rell ‖ κ D P74 181. 242. 1898.
The preposition π in B03 could be construed either as introduc-
ing the agent of the passive verb Ï„Ï Ï†ÎµÏƒÎ¸Î±Î¹ (which is possible in Koine
Greek after a verb implying movement away from the agent)35, or it may
simply indicate the source of the food supply. κ in D05 can only have
this second meaning.
See Read-Heimerdinger, The Bezan Text, 183–84.