Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVI) (Acts 9:31–11:18).», Vol. 17 (2004) 45-88
The present section deals with the events concerning the conversion of Peter (Acts 9:31–11:18) whereby he at last comes to understand that the good news of Jesus is for Jews and Gentiles alike. Since the Greek pages of Codex Bezae are missing from 8:29 to 10:14 and the Latin ones from 8:20b to 10:4, we have noted in the Critical Apparatus the variants of other witnesses that differ from the Alexandrian text. From 10:4b (fol. 455a), the Latin text of Codex Bezae is available. The Greek text starts at 10:14b (fol. 455b).
54 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[c] 19 While Peter was pondering the 19 While Peter was pondering the
vision, the Spirit said to him, 20 vision, the Spirit said, 20 Look!
‘Look! some men are looking for there are two men looking for you.
you. Come on, get up, go down Come on, get up and go down and
and go with them without any go with them without any argument,
argument, because I myself have because I myself have sent them.’
sent them.’
[c′] 21 So then Peter went down and said 21 Peter went down and said to the
to the men, ‘Here I am, the one you men, ‘Here I am, the one you are
are looking for. What do you want? looking for. For what reason are
for what reason are you here?’ you here?’
[b′] 22 They said to him, ‘A certain 22 They said, ‘Cornelius, a centurion,
Cornelius, a centurion, a just and a just and God-fearing man who is,
God-fearing man who is, moreover, moreover, well-spoken of by all the
well-spoken of by all the nation of nation of the Jews, was warned by
the Jews, was warned by a holy a holy angel to summon you to his
angel to summon you to his house house and to hear what you have to
and to hear what you have to say’. say’.
[a′] 23a So then Peter took them inside 23a Therefore, calling them inside
and gave them lodging. he gave them lodging.
[A′a] 23b The next day, he got up and 23b The next day, he got up and
went out with them, and some of went out with them, and some of
the brethren from Joppa went with the brethren who were from Joppa
him. went with him.
[b] 24a The day after he entered 24a The day after he entered
Caesarea. Caesarea.
[c] 24b Cornelius was looking forward Cornelius was waiting
to welcoming them, and having expectantly for them, having called
called together his relatives and together his relatives and close
close friends he was waiting. friends.
[d] 25a As Peter was approaching 25a As Peter was entering,
Caesarea, one of the slaves ran
ahead and announced that he had
[e] 25b Cornelius leapt up and when he 25b Cornelius, when he met him,
met him, he fell before his feet and fell at his feet and worshipped.
worshipped him.
[f] 26 But Peter lifted him up saying, 26 But Peter lifted him up saying,
‘What are you doing? I am a man, ‘Get up. I am also a man myself.’
too, just like you.’