Juan Manuel Granados Rojas, «Ephesians 4,12. A Revised Reading», Vol. 92 (2011) 81-96
This paper proposes a new interpretation of Eph 4,12 based on a rhetorical analysis of the thought in the section (4,7-16). This structural approach has favored the interpretative clues provided by the text itself and has clarified the meaning of a NT hapax legomenon (katartismo/v). The prepositional sequence in Eph 4,12 expresses agreement (pro/v + accusative), purpose (eiv) and result (eiv), in this order. Such an interpretation, in accordance with the train of thought of the whole section, stresses a relationship of agreement between Christ’s gift and the ministry of the Word for building up his body.
(c) “to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the
body of Christ†(NAB). The first and the second prepositional phrases
should be read together giving the purpose of edwken, and the third is
parallel to the first indicating also a purpose of the main verb 9.
(d) “to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of
Christ may be built up†(NIV). The first expresses purpose, the second
depends on the first, and the third depends on the second indicating
result 10.
The history of the recent debate on Eph 4,12 shows partial agreement
among the scholars but reveals clearly the difficulty of finding an exeget-
ically suitable approach to the text. For instance, the authors propose dif-
ferent criteria to arrange the prepositional phrases. Many adopt semantics as
the defining criterion, i.e. they distinguish the nominal contents of the
sequence and relate them according to their theological relevance within the
letter. Others give excessive importance to traditional interpretation, i.e. they
take the phrases as Chrysostom presumably did. However, it is possible that
the meaning of the words and the traditional interpretation may not be
enough to clarify the sense of the sequence. The following argumentation
attempts to understand Eph 4,11-12 from a rhetorical point of view, taking
into account the reasoning of the sequence and its literary context, in order to
elucidate the meaning and sense of the whole structure.
II. The Semantics of prov + katartismon
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The precise meaning of katartismov in Eph 4,12 remains in question
because the word itself covers a wide semantic domain 11. There are at
Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians (NICNT ; Grand Rapids, MI
1984) 349.
T.K. ABBOTT, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistles
to the Ephesians and to the Colossians (ICC ; Edinburgh 1897) 119;
H. SCHLIER, Der Brief an der Epheser: ein Kommentar (Düsseldorf 1957)
198-199 ; H. MERKLEIN, Das kirchliche Amt nach dem Epheserbrief (SANT
33 ; München 1973) 77; BARTH, Ephesians, 489-491; S. ROMANELLO, Lettera
agli Efesini: nuova versione, introduzione e commento (Milano 2003) 142-
144 ; TALBERT, Ephesians, 114; P.S. WILLIAMSON, Ephesians (Grand Rapids,
MI 2009) 114, 117-118. See also NA27 ; NRSV .
BEST, On Ephesians, 398-399; J-N. ALETTI, Saint Paul, Epître aux Éphé-
siens (Études bibliques. Nouvelle série; Paris 2001) 220; HOEHNER, Ephesians,
549 ; TANTIONO, Speaking the Truth, 147; SELLIN, An Epheser, 342.
The word katartismov includes, for example, the following semantic
domains : “to make someone completely adequate or sufficient for something