Ulrich Berges, «'Ich gebe Jerusalem einen Freudenboten'
Synchrone und diachrone Beobachtungen zu Jes 41,27», Vol. 87 (2006) 319-337
The references to Zion and Jerusalem (41,27; 44,26.28; 45,13; 46,13) in the
section Isa 40–48 dedicated to Jacob and Israel and which follows the Prologue in
40,1-11, require an explanation because they present the perspective of the return
from the point of view of the Jewish homeland, which for the first time appears
only in Isa 49,14. Synchronically Isa 41,27 interrupts the parallel double structure
of the dispute with the foreign gods in 41,21-24.25-29. Diachronically Isa 41,27
is not attributable to the redactor of the first collection, composed between 539
and 520 BC, but to a more recent hand, which — starting from the first Servant
Song with its expansion and reinterpretation with Darius I in mind — introduces
the perspective of the return into the dispute with foreign gods. JHWH proves his
unique and overpowering sovereignty over history not only with regard to Cyrus
but also to Darius I.
80 Hellen Mardaga
In 7,29 κἀκεῖνός is used in order to refer to ὠπέμψας με. As elsewhere
in the gospel (cfr. 1,8; 5,38.39) the pronoun resumes the preceding αá½Ï„ός.
Opposed to á¼Î³á½½ and ὑμεῖς the pronoun again refers to a third person.
á¼á½°Î½ Î³á½°Ï Î¼á½´ ἀπέλθω,
ὠπαÏάκλητος οá½Îº á¼Î»Îµá½»ÏƒÎµÏ„αι Ï€Ïὸς ὑμᾶς·
á¼á½°Î½ δὲ ποÏευθῶ,
πέμψω αá½Ï„ὸν Ï€Ïὸς ὑμᾶς.
καὶ á¼Î»Î¸á½¼Î½ á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος
In 16,8 á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος resumes the preceding αá½Ï„όν that refers to á½
παÏάκλητος in 16,7b.
Can we explain the use of á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος in 19,35 in a similar way? If we
compare the grammatical structure of the verse to the previous examples,
it seems possible. Jn 19, 35 is a parenthesis. The pronoun á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος resumes
αá½Ï„οῦ and the pronoun clearly refers to ὠἑωÏακως. Inside the parenthe-
sis in 19,35 a new aside is placed which confirms that the testimony of
the eyewitness is true:
καὶ ὠἑωÏακὼς μεμαÏÏ„á½»Ïηκεν,
-καὶ ἀληθινὴ αá½Ï„οῦ á¼ÏƒÏ„ιν ἡ μαÏÏ„Ï…Ïία-,
καὶ á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος οἶδεν ὅτι ἀληθῆ λέγει,
ἵνα καὶ ὑμεῖς πιστεύσητε.
The beloved disciple is the one who sees and testifies. He emphasizes
that what he has seen is really true, so that people may believe. John
does not only use the construction αá½Ï„οῦ…á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος…á½Î¼Îµá¿–Ï‚ in 19,35 but
also in 5,38 (αá½Ï„οῦ…á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος…á½Î¼Îµá¿–Ï‚) and 5,39 (αá½Ï„οῦ…á¼ÎºÎµá¿–ναί…á¼Î¼Î¿á¿¦).
This interpretation of á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νος in 19,35 makes Sabbe’s explanation of the
pronoun on the basis of Mc 15,19 superfluous.
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