Iwan M. Whiteley, «Zechariah, Reference and the Structure of Revelation 6-8:1», Vol. 23 (2010) 93-108
This article argues that Rev 6-8:1 is structured on Zech 1-2. It first undertakes a survey of interpretational difficulties that exist in Revelation 6-8:1. It contains a survey of commentators’ views regarding the unit of discourse. Then there is a demonstration that structuring Rev 6-8:1 on Zech 1-2 solves many of the difficulties, notably the rapid shift in scenes in the text. An exploration of the issue of reference ensues with the intention of suggesting that one should import information from Zech 1-2 into Revelation. Consequently, there is an investigation into the meaning of Zech 1-2. Finally, information from this book is imported into Rev 6-8:1.
Zechariah, Reference and the Structure
of Revelation 6-8:1
This article argues that Rev 6-8:1 is structured on Zech 1-2. It first
undertakes a survey of interpretational difficulties that exist in Revelation
6-8:1. It contains a survey of commentators’ views regarding the unit of
discourse. Then there is a demonstration that structuring Rev 6-8:1 on Zech
1-2 solves many of the difficulties, notably the rapid shift in scenes in the
text. An exploration of the issue of reference ensues with the intention of
suggesting that one should import information from Zech 1-2 into Revela-
tion. Consequently, there is an investigation into the meaning of Zech 1-2.
Finally, information from this book is imported into Rev 6-8:1.
Keywords: Revelation, Zechariah 1-2, four horsemen, 144 000, seven
seals, silence in heaven, reference.
Revelation is still an open book in the sense that there is very little
consensus on the meaning of any part of it. Beale’s work has demonstrated
that an investigation into John’s use of Daniel leads to the conclusion
that the book of Revelation has planning and order. This article has
been written primarily to further demonstrate this. What shall follow
is a survey of the interpretational difficulties in Revelation 6-8:1, then
there shall be a proposed solution to those difficulties by investigating the
presence of Zechariah in the text. Third, we shall explore the nature of
the relationship between Zechariah and Revelation 6-8:1. Fourth we shall
examine the meaning of Zechariah 1-2 and finally we shall see how this
affects our understanding of Revelation 6-8:1.
1. A Survey of Interpretational Difficulties in Revelation 6-8:1
One of the most well known texts in Revelation is that of the four
horsemen, but explanations for many aspects of the text are not found. It
is clear that Rev 6-8:1 is structured on the seven seals, but this explanation
is not satisfactory in itself because it does not explain the entire flow of
the passage. Upon the opening of seals, four living creatures, call out
Filología Neotestamentaria - Vol. XXIII - 2010, pp. 93-108
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad de Córdoba (España)