Olegs Andrejevs, «Reexamining Q2: Son of God Christology in Q’s Redactional Layer.», Vol. 97 (2016) 62-78
This essay analyzes three important Christological texts in the reconstructed synoptic sayings source Q: 4,1-13 (the temptation legend), 6,20b-49 (the Q sermon) and 10,21-22 (the thanksgiving of Jesus). According to the current consensus in Q studies, these texts belong to three different compositional strata and reflect different theological concerns. I coordinate them in the document’s redactional layer (Q2), demonstrating their compatibility on literary-critical and traditionhistorical grounds. My hypothesis is that these texts provide the necessary Christological framework for Q2’s depiction of Jesus as the messianic Son of Man and Lord by stressing his identity as God’s unique Son.
66 oLeGS ANdreJeVS
to reflect the changing circumstance of the community. Consequently,
in this essay I take as my point of departure the premise that every tex-
tual unit presently found in the document was employed by a Q1 or Q2
author to advance a specific compositional objective and reflects a
particular Sitz im Leben. determining the relation of those units to the
historical Jesus is not the task of this essay and must be undertaken
elsewhere 10. The tradition-historical conclusions reached here will be
limited to the history of the Judeo-Christian group which I regard as
responsible for the composition of Q1 and Q2.
I now turn to the Christology of 10,21-22, its portrayal of Jesus as
God’s unique Son and its relation to the polemical framework of the
Q2 compositional layer. In Kloppenborg’s research this text was taken
to represent a separate Christological category which one may call
“Sophia Christology”. Here, Kloppenborg’s work was influenced by
several early publications by James M. robinson 11. of special impor-
tance are two essays by robinson: “ΛΟΓΟΙ ΣΟΦΩΝ: on the Gattung
of Q” (1964), and “Jesus as Sophos and Sophia: Wisdom Tradition
and the Gospels” (1975). robinson’s argument can be summarized as
follows: (a) in Q’s formative material Jesus was conceptualized as a
sage, (b) in the redactional layers of Q Jesus became redefined as the
coming Son of Man, (c) these contrasting Christological images were
unified in Q’s final literary framework by the identification of Jesus
as also God’s Wisdom, Sophia 12. The resultant phenomenon, Sophia
Christology, acted for robinson as a necessary conceptual link be-
tween the apocalyptic Son of Man of the redactional layers of Q and
the sapiential Jesus of Q1.
In Formation of Q, the above conclusions were affirmed by Klop-
penborg 13. of particular relevance to this essay is the presumable
association of Jesus with Sophia. The text in which robinson and
Kloppenborg saw this development take place is Q 10,21-22, which
describes Jesus as o` ui`o,j:
After all, Kloppenborg himself cautions that the stratification of Q’s units
should not be automatically taken as an indication of their genesis. KLoppeNBorG,
Formation, 244-245.
J.M. roBINSoN, “Building Blocks in the Social History of Q”, The Sayings
Gospel Q. Collected essays by James M. robinson (eds. C. HeIL – J. VerHey-
deN) (BeTL 189; Leuven 2005) 508.
roBINSoN, “ΛΟΓΟΙ ΣΟΦΩΝ: on the Gattung of Q”, The Sayings Gospel
Q, 37, 73-74; roBINSoN, “Jesus as Sophos and Sophia: Wisdom Tradition and the
Gospels”, The Sayings Gospel Q, 123-126, 130.
KLoppeNBorG, Formation, 27-34, 102-170, 171-245, 317-328.