Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Apostles (XVIII).», Vol. 19 (2006) 99-112
13:1-12 is the section covered by these notes, a passage that marks
an important development in the narrative as Paul becomes the main
protagonist for the rest of the book of Acts. It is in these verses that the
Holy Spirit calls him, by his name of Saul, to be the collaborator of Barnabas
for the work of spreading the message of Jesus to the Gentiles. The mission
begins in Cyprus, where Paul’s strategy of visiting the Jews first, in order to
prepare them for the entry of the Gentiles into Israel, will be shown up by
Luke, in the text of Codex Bezae, to be out of step with the plan of Jesus.
112 Josep Rius-Camp and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
(á¼Ï€á½·ÏƒÏ„ευσεν) Ï„á¿· θεῷ D, in deo d (aeth) ‖ om. B P45.74 a rell.
The detail that the proconsul believed in God is important for D05
since, from a Jewish point of view, it is an essential first step in the
conversion of a Gentile to acknowledge the reality of God before believing
in Jesus. It should be noted that it was the word of God he wanted to hear
(cf. 13:7) – having never heard it (being a Gentile), he could not yet take
the step of hearing the word of the Lord.
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