Francesco Bianchini, «Il nomos in Gal 5,13–6,10», Vol. 94 (2013) 47-62
In Gal 5,13–6,10 we find three much-debated passages in which the meaning and connotation, positive or negative, of no/moj are not clear: 5,14; 5,23b; 6,2. This article seeks to shed light on these verses, consi - dered within the context of the letter. Starting with the text as it stands, it is shown how it is possible to understand the use of no/moj in the setting of a coherent development of Paul’s thought in Galatians. Lastly, in view of the paraenetic context in which no/moj is used, some general indications are brought together which are useful for Pauline ethics.
verso il fratello nella fede, adempirà le giuste richieste, volute da
Dio, presenti nella Legge. La norma del suo agire non si mostra
però esterna a lui, bensì interna perché è nell’interiorità del credente
che lo Spirito agisce e conforma la vita a Cristo e al suo vangelo.
Infine le esortazioni presenti in Gal 5,13–6,10, legate anche all’uti-
lizzo di no,moj, ci mostrano che Paolo ritiene importante ricordare
ai destinatari la necessità di una risposta personale al dono di grazia
ricevuto per non soccombere alla tentazione di ricadere nella logica
della vita “nella carne†chiusa a Dio e al prossimo, dalla quale con
il battesimo hanno preso congedo per vivere portando “il frutto
dello Spiritoâ€.
Pontificia Università Urbaniana Francesco BIANCHINI
In Gal 5,13–6,10 we find three much-debated passages in which the
meaning and connotation, positive or negative, of no,moj are not clear:
5,14; 5,23b; 6,2. This article seeks to shed light on these verses, consi-
dered within the context of the letter. Starting with the text as it stands, it
is shown how it is possible to understand the use of no,moj in the setting
of a coherent development of Paul’s thought in Galatians. Lastly, in view
of the paraenetic context in which no,moj is used, some general indications
are brought together which are useful for Pauline ethics.
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