Giancarlo Biguzzi, «Witnessing Two by Two in the Acts of the Apostles.», Vol. 92 (2011) 1-20
The program of Act 1,8 is carried through by the Twelve only in Jerusalem, Samaria and the Mediterranean coast, — but not «till the end of the earth». Their witness, however, is prolonged by the Seven of Jerusalem, the Five of Syrian Antioch, and the Seven companions of Paul of Act 20,4. Surprisingly, for everyone of the four groups of witnesses, the author narrates then the witnessing of only two of them. The narrative lacuna, apparently intentional since it recurs four times, allows Luke to involve the reader in reconstructing the spread of the gospel in all the directions for the remaining ten twelfths.
list marks the beginning of the book 4, others do not even mention
the list of the apostles 5, whereas some others still insufficiently
label it as a summary or as a generalizing and transitional text 6.
In any case, if the intention of the first volume of the Lukan
double work is to narrate what Jesus did and said (1,1), the inten-
tion of the second is to narrate what, on Jesus’ commission, the
Twelve did and said. Their assignment is qualified as “witnessingâ€
in Acts 1,8, and they have to give their testimony in three succes-
sive regions: Jerusalem, the Land of the Jews, and Samaria and till
the end of the earth. To this commission, they are specifically
singled out and chosen by God (oy pantı t√ la√ alla martysin
ß ù ßù¥
toıv prokexeirotonhmenoiv ypo toy ueoy, Acts 10,41).
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2. Acts 1,8 and the role of Paul the outsider
As it is well known, the Twelve are then witnesses only in
Jerusalem and in Samaria: however surprisingly, notwithstanding
the precise appointment of Acts 1,8, it is not they who take the
testimony to the ends of the earth, but rather Paul. In fact, all the
occurrences of their witnessing are found in the first thirteen chap-
ters, where significantly there is no mention at all of the witness of
Paul. Thereafter, all the occurrences regarding Paul are to be found
in the last ten chapters where, in the contrary, there is no mention
of the witness of the apostles 7.
G. ROSSÉ, Atti degli Apostoli (Roma 1998) 107: “Luca dunque inizia il
libro degli Atti elencando i nomi degli apostoliâ€.
A. WIKENHAUSER, Die Apostelgeschichte (RNT 5; Regensburg 31956) 28;
R.C. TANNEHILL, The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts. A Literary Interpretation
(Minneapolis, MN 1990) II, 19-20.
Cf. H. CONZELMANN, Acts of the Apostles (Philadelphia, PA 1987) 9
(“ vv. 13-14 : The first summary follows â€) ; J. Dupont, “La conclusion des Actes
et son rapport à l’ensemble de l’ouvrage de Lucâ€, Nouvelles études sur les
Actes des Apôtres (Paris 1984) 493 (“Revenant sur les jours qui séparent
l’Ascension de la Pentecôte, les vv. 12-14 font la transition entre ces deux
événements â€) ; K. KLIESCH, Apostelgeschichte (Stuttgart 1986) 35-36: “Die
Verse 12-14 bilden eine verallgemeinernde Ãœberleitung zur Wahl des Matthias
und zur Pfingsterzählung†(Italics added).
The terminology of the apostolic testimony occurs throughout the book:
the first time it appears in Acts 1,8 (martyrev) and the last time in Acts 28,23
(diamartyromenov), the major texts being the twelve occurrences in Acts 1-13
referring to the apostles (cf. Acts 1,8; 1,22; 2,32; 2,40; 3,15; 4,33; 5,32; 8,25;