Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Aspostles (XXV) (Acts 18:24–19:40).», Vol. 26 (2013) 127-163
In the text of Acts according to Codex Bezae, a fourth and final part of the book begins at 18.24. It is Paul’s ultimate goal of Rome that separates it from the earlier missionary phases and confers unity on the remainder of the book. In this opening section (Section I), his activity will be centred for three years in Ephesus, the main city of Asia, where he will meet with some success despite hostility from some of the Jews. In his dealings with the Gentiles, opposition will also be encountered because of the threat posed by his teachings to the trade of the city. The Bezan narrator indicates plainly that Paul’s travel to Ephesus should have been the initial stage of his journey to the imperial capital. Additional references in Codex Bezae to the directions given to Paul by the Holy Spirit make clear that his visit had been prepared for by the work of Apollos; however, it was contrary to his own intentions, which were rather to go back to Jerusalem. The struggle against the divine leading is seen as Paul terminates his stay in Asia once he has carefully prepared for his return to Jerusalem.
152 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[f'] 32b The assembly, indeed, was in a 32b for the assembly was in a state of
state of confusion and the majority confusion and most of them did not
did not know what they had come know what they had come together
together for. for.
[g] 33a Some people from among the 33a Some people from among the
crowd sent down Alexander since crowd instructed Alexander since
the Jews were putting him forward. the Jews had put him forward.
[g'] 33b Alexander, having signalled 33b Alexander, having made a signal
with his hand, was wanting to make with his hand, was wanting to make
a defence to the meeting. a defence to the meeting.
[h] 34 When they realized he was a Jew, 34 When they realized he was a Jew,
there arose one voice belonging to there arose one voice from them all,
them all, as for two hours they went as for about two hours they went on
on shouting, ‘Great is Artemis of shouting, ‘Great is Artemis of the
the Ephesians!’ Ephesians! Great is Artemis of the
[i] 35 The town clerk, having signalled 35 Having restrained the crowd, the
to the crowd, says, ‘Men of Ephesus, town clerk says, ‘Men of Ephesus,
which is the man who does not know who is there among men that does
that our city is the guardian of the not know that the city of the Ephe-
shrine of the great Artemis and of sians is the warden of the temple of
her statue that fell from Zeus? 36 the great Artemis and of her statue
So since these things cannot be con- that fell from heaven? 36 So since
tradicted, it is essential you keep these things cannot be contradicted,
calm and do nothing rash. 37 The it is essential you keep calm and do
point is that you have brought these nothing rash. 37 The point is that you
men here though they were neither have brought these men who are nei-
temple-robbers nor blasphemers of ther temple-robbers nor blasphemers
our goddess. 38 So if this Demetrius of our goddess. 38 So if Demetrius
– even his fellow-craftsmen – have and the craftsmen with him have a
any case against them, court days case against anyone, court days are
are held and there are proconsuls: held and there are proconsuls: let
let them accuse one another. 39 But them accuse one another. 39 But if it
if it is something concerning other is something else that you are want-
matters that you are wanting, it will ing, it will be settled in the regular
be settled by means of assembly law, assembly, 40a for in fact we risk be-
40a for today in fact we risk being ing charged with rioting for the inci-
charged with rioting, since there is dent of today it being without cause,
no cause for which we will be able to for which we will not be able to give a
give a reason for this meeting.’ reason, for this meeting.’
[i'] 40b And having said these things, 40b And having said these things, he
he dismissed the assembly. dismissed the assembly.