Fr. Sieg, «The Introductory Formula of Rev 4:1-2a in the Context of Traditions.», Vol. 18 (2005) 33-43
The formula of Rev 4:1-2a is composed of three phrases: 1. "Then, in
my vision, I saw"; 2. "a door open in heaven"; 3. "the same voice... With that,
the Spirit possessed me". The first and the second phrase, which serve to
introduce a new vision, were most likely taken from the Pseudoepigrapha of
the Old Testament, where they find plentiful analogies, as features of literary
style. For the third phrase we cannot find precise parallels in other sources.
The author of the article arrives at the conclusion that the subject of the
voice (4:1c) was the "One who was sitting on the throne" himself, who, by
means of his voice, introduces the visionary into a state of ecstasy.
The Introductory Formula of Rev 4:1-2a in the Context of Traditions
enter and cognize it by means of a special revelation48, which consists in
a special enlightenment49. Namely, the visionary or a prophet is given the
authority and mission to pass the information about God, his plans and
decisions concerning men and the world to other people. The revelation
given in the Book of Revelation of St John concerns God’s New People,
bought by the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Rev 5:9 ff).
Pont. Fac. Theol. S. Bobolanum
Warsaw (POLAND)
A. Läpple, Die Apokalypse nach Johannes (München 1966) 88. According to D.W.
Hadorn, Offenbarung, 70, “Offenbarung geht von Gott aus. Wenn auch die Niederschrift der
vorangegangenen Botschaften an die Gemeinden nicht en pneumati erfolgt ist, so verleiht
der pneumatische Ursprung natürlich auch der schriftlichen Wiedergabe die Autorität eines
inspirierten Zeugnissesâ€.
C. Brütsch, L’Apocalypse (Neuchatel, Paris 1957) 24, gives here the following com-
ment: “Il [Jean] n’entre pas non plus en état de transe, mais il reste entiÄrement lucide.
Transporté dans le domaine surnaturel, il est déppassé par la grandeur de la vision; il nous
la décrit ensuite comment il peut, avec nos pauvres paroles et images imparfaitesâ€.