Chrys C. Caragounis, «Parainesis on 'AGIASMO/S' (1 Th 4: 3-8)», Vol. 15 (2002) 133-151
1 Th 4:3-8 (particulary vv.3-6) is full of exegetical problems. Almost all the leading
concepts of the passage present problems of interpretation: pornei/a, skeuo~j,
u(perbei/nein, pleonekte=in, a)delfo/j. On the basis of the two main interpretations of two of them, namely skeuo~j and a)delfo/j, the author rejects the current explanations of the section and claims for a better understading that takes into account to the parameters of the text, the context, the persons addressed, and the historical significance of the bearing terms. According to the writer, Paul has no concrete case of adulterous behavior in mind, but gives a general apostolic exhortation and warns the members of this church (men and women alike) against the dangers of such a behavior.
134 Chrys C. Caragounis
and others. A variation of the above view, which constitutes a third
meaning of σκεῦος, is Morris12, Bruce13, Marshall14, Donfried15, and
Wanamaker’s16 seeing in ‘body’ a euphemism for ‘genitals’. (b) The other
interpretation, which takes σκεῦος to refer to one’s wife, was in ancient
times espoused by Theodore of Mopsuestia17 and Augustine,18 and has
the support of many modern commentators, e.g. Alford19, Schmiedel20,
von Dobschütz21, Frame22, Dibelius23, Oepke24, Vogel25, Maurer26, Best27,
Collins28, Holtz29 and others.
Of the Lexica LSJ and ∆∆30 accept the meaning ‘body’ (as a vessel of
the soul). This meaning is adhered to by MM and BAG,31 who quote as
support Test.Naphth. 8:6; a magical prayer; Hermas, Shepherd: Mandate
Schlatter, A., Die Briefe an die Thessalonicher, Philipper, Timotheus und Titus, Stutt-
gart 1950, ad loc.
Milligan, G., St. Paul’s Epistles to the Thessalonians, London 1908, ad loc.
Rigaux, B., Saint Paul: Les Épitres aux Thessaloniciens (ÉBib) Paris 1956, ad loc.
Dibelius, M., Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus. II. Die Neun Kleinen Briefe (HNT),
Tübingen 1913, ad loc.
L. Morris, The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians (NICNT), Grand
Rapids 1959, rp. 1970, 123 f.
F. F. Bruce, 1 & 2 Thessalonians (WBC), Waco, Texas 1982, 83.
I. H. Marshall, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (NCBC), Grand Rapids, London 1983, 107-110.
K. P. Donfried, “The Cults of Thessalonica and the Thessalonian Correspondenceâ€,
NTS 31 (1985), 336-56.
C. A. Wanamaker, The Epistles to the Thessalonians (NIGTC), Grand Rapids, Carlisle
1990, 151-53.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, Commentarii i 1 Thess.-Philemon 4:4 (Migne 66, 932 d):
σκεῦος τὴν ἰδίαν ἑκάστου γαμετὴν ὀνομάζει.
Augustine, Contra Jul. 4, 10 (Migne 10, 765).
Alford, H., The Greek Testament, etc. 4 Vols., Vol. III Galatians, Ephesians, Philip-
pians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timotheus, Titus, and Philemon, Cambridge 1865,
Schmiedel, P. W., Die Briefe an die Thessalonicher und an die Korinther (HCNT),
Frieburg 1892, ad loc.
v. Dobschütz, E., Die Thessalonicher-Briefe, 1909, rp. Göttingen 1974, ad loc.
J. E. Frame, The Epistle of St. Paul to the Thessalonians (ICC), rp. 1979, 146-150.
Dibelius, M., Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus: Die Neuen Kleinen Briefe, ad loc.
Oepke, A., Die Briefe an die Thessalonicher (NTD), Göttingen 1953, ad loc.
Vogel, W., “Εἰδέναι τὸ ἑαυτοῦ σκεῦος κτᾶσθαι. Zur Deutung von 1 Thess 4,3ff in
Zusammenhang der paulinischen Eheauffassung†TBl. 13 (1934), 83-85.
Maurer, Art. σκεῦος in TDNT, VII, 358-67.
E. Best, A Commentary on the First and Second Epistle to the Thessalonians (BNTC),
rp. London 1982, 161-62.
R. F. Collins, Studies on the First Letter to the Thessalonians (BETL 66), Leuven
1984, 311-14.
T. Holtz, Der erste Brief an die Thessalonicher (EKKNT), Zürich 1986, 157f.
∆. ∆ημητÏάκου, Μέγα Λεξικὸν ὅλης τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς Γλώσσης, 9 τόμοι, Ἀθῆναι
1964. Similarly BDAG fluctuates between the senses of ‘body’, ‘wife’ and ‘penis’.
BAGD leave the options open, though they seem to prefer ‘wife’.