Jean-Noël Aletti, «James 2,14-26: The Arrangement and Its Meaning», Vol. 95 (2014) 88-101
The main goal of this essay is to demonstrate that the author of the Letter of James knows how to reason according to the rules of arrangement then in place in the schools and elsewhere, rules that he uses with originality. His rhetoric is not Semitic: for him, Greek is not only a language or a style but also what structures the development of his thought. The choice of a chreia as the pattern of arrangement allowed him to repeat an opinion that had become common in some Christian communities and criticize it, showing that it was erroneous. By presenting this common opinion as a maxim (gnoee), he did not need to cite Paul and thereby avoided attributing to him what was only an erroneous recapitulation of his doctrine of justification.
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the conclusion/thesis in the form of a So faith by itself, if it has no works, is
maxim (v. 17) dead.
(B) the development in the form of a But someone will say, “You have faith
diatribe (a developed ratio) and I have worksâ€.
an objection raised = v. 18a
a response in the form of a thesis = v. Show me your faith apart from your
18bc announcing examples that illus- works, and I by my works will show
trate the thesis: you my faith.
(i) the first one, negative (cf. v. 19),
(ii) the following ones, positive (cf. vv.
(1) a negative example of faith without You believe that God is one; you do
works (v. 19) illustrating the position in well.
opposition to the thesis Even the demons believe — and
(2) positive examples of faith with Do you want to be shown, you shal-
works (v. 20) low man, that faith apart from works
= proofs from authority in support of is barren?
the thesis:
Abraham (vv. 21-23) Was not Abraham our father justified by
allusion to Genesis 22 works, when he offered his son Isaac
upon the altar? 22 You see that faith was
active along with his works, and faith
was completed by works 23, and the
citation of Genesis 15,6 scripture was fulfilled which says,
“Abraham believed God, and it was
reckoned to him as righteousnessâ€; and
he was called the friend of God.
the conclusion of the example = the You see that a man is justified by works
repetition of the thesis with another for- and not by faith alone.
mulation (v. 24)
Rahab (v. 25) And in the same way was not also
= Jos 2,1-24 Rahab the harlot justified by works
when she received the messengers and
sent them out another way?
Final summary in the form of a com- For as the body apart from the spirit is
parison in accordance with the thesis dead, so faith apart from works is dead.
(v. 26)