Armin D. Baum, «Biographien im alttestamentlich-rabbinischen Stil. Zur Gattung der neutestamentlichen Evangelien», Vol. 94 (2013) 534-564
The New Testament Gospels exhibit an amalgam of biographical genre elements from Greco-Roman cultivated literature (Hochliteratur) and popular literature ('Kleinliteratur'), Old Testament historiography, and rabbinic literature. They display the least affinity with the erudite Bioi of Greco- Roman Hochliteratur (pace R. Burridge). Similarities with Greco-Roman popular lives are more evident. But M. Reiser’s thesis that the Gospels were influenced to an even greater degree by the biographical sections of Old Testament history books can be further strengthened. In addition, it is possible to demonstrate close affinities between the Gospels and the biographical components of rabbinic literature. Overall the four New Testament Gospels can be characterized as biographies of Jesus in Old Testament and Rabbinic style with comparatively slight Greco-Roman influences.
03_Biblica_Baum_Layout 1 16/12/13 12:27 Pagina 564
Kleine Bausteine wie die technischen Prologe und Epiloge stam-
men aber eindeutig aus der griechisch-römischen Literatur.
Der Ort der neutestamentlichen Evangelien in der vielfältigen
Landschaft der biographischen Literatur der Antike lässt sich dem-
nach folgendermaßen beschreiben: Die neutestamentlichen Evan-
gelien sind Biographien Jesu im alttestamentlich-rabbinischen Stil
mit leichten griechisch-römischen Einschlägen.
FTH Gießen / ETF Leuven Armin D. BAUM
The New Testament Gospels exhibit an amalgam of biographical genre
elements from Greco-Roman cultivated literature (Hochliteratur) and pop-
ular literature (“Kleinliteraturâ€), Old Testament historiography, and rabbinic
literature. They display the least affinity with the erudite Bioi of Greco-
Roman Hochliteratur (pace R. Burridge). Similarities with Greco-Roman
popular lives are more evident. But M. Reiser’s thesis that the Gospels were
influenced to an even greater degree by the biographical sections of Old
Testament history books can be further strengthened. In addition, it is pos-
sible to demonstrate close affinities between the Gospels and the biograph-
ical components of rabbinic literature. Overall the four New Testament
Gospels can be characterized as biographies of Jesus in Old Testament and
Rabbinic style with comparatively slight Greco-Roman influences.