Terrance Callan, «Reading the Earliest Copies of 2 Peter», Vol. 93 (2012) 427-450
An examination of the three earliest extant copies of 2 Peter (namely those found in Papyrus 72, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus) is made in order to determine how the meaning of 2 Peter is affected by differences among the three copies, especially the textual variations among them. These textual variations produce significantly different understandings of Jesus in the three copies of 2 Peter, as well as other less prominent differences in meaning.
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d instead of q and z instead of d (2,10)
h instead of a (2,10; 3,5)
ou instead of w (2,13)
n instead of m before p (2,20; 3,3)
Appendix B
Itacisms and other errors based on replacing a letter or letters
with similar sounding letters in Codex Sinaiticus.
Itacisms of various kinds:
1. i for ei – 43 times [in 1,2 (twice).3 (twice).5.6 (three times).
7.11.12 (three times).13 (twice).; 2,1
(three times).2 (twice).4 (twice).5.6 (twice).7.9
(twice).10.11 (twice).18.21 (twice); 3,]
ei for i
2. – 3 times [in 1,14; 2,11.16]
e for ai
3. – 5 times [in 1,10; 2,17; 3,3 (twice).13]
ai for e
4. – 1 time [in 1,19]
u for oi
5. – 1 time [in 3,10]
Other errors based on replacing a letter or letters with a similar
sounding letter or letters include:
1. n instead of m before p (2,3)
2. nk instead of gk (2,8)
The Athenaeum of Ohio Terrance CALLAN
6616 Beechmont Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45230
An examination of the three earliest extant copies of 2 Peter (namely those
found in Papyrus 72, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus) is made in order
to determine how the meaning of 2 Peter is affected by differences among
the three copies, especially the textual variations among them. These textual
variations produce significantly different understandings of Jesus in the three
copies of 2 Peter, as well as other less prominent differences in meaning.