John Kilgallen, «Acts 28,28 — Why?», Vol. 90 (2009) 176-187
The Isaian citation, used by Paul to describe his encounter with certain Jews in Rome, does not stand alone: it leads to a conclusion, a conclusion which is an imperative and an assurance. What is commanded is a knowledge of the plan of
God already in motion, a plan to offer salvation to Jews and Gentiles. As information for Jews of Rome, this final word of Paul is best understood as a motive for repentance; knowledge of the divine plan of God, which will succeed (28b), serves as an encouragement to Roman Jews to «turn and be healed by Me».
- «Luke 20,13 and i1swj» 2008 263-264
- «Luke wrote to Rome – a Suggestion» 2007 251-255
- «What Does It Mean to Say That There Are Additions in Luke 7,36-50?» 2005 529-535
- «Hostility to Paul in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13,45) — Why?» 2003 1-15
- «Martha and Mary: Why at Luke 10,38-42?» 2003 554-561
- «‘With many other words’ (Acts 2,40): Theological Assumptions in Peter’s Pentecost Speech» 2002 71-87
- «The Obligation to Heal (Luke 13,10-17)» 2001 402-409
- «`The Apostles Whom He Chose because of the Holy Spirit'
A Suggestion Regarding Acts 1,2» 2000 414-417
- «The Strivings of the Flesh
(Galatians 5,17)» 1999 113-114
- «Jesus First Trial: Messiah and Son of God (Luke 22,66-71)» 1999 401-414
- «The Importance of the Redactor in Luke 18,9-14» 1998 69-75
- «Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?» 2012 590-600
Acts 28,28 — Why? 187
faith in Jesus, but the continual offer of salvation to panta", Jew and
Greek alike.
Pontifical Biblical Institute John KILGALLEN
Via della Pilotta, 25
I-00187 Roma
The Isaian citation, used by Paul to describe his encounter with certain Jews in
Rome, does not stand alone: it leads to a conclusion, a conclusion which is an
imperative and an assurance. What is commanded is a knowledge of the plan of
God already in motion, a plan to offer salvation to Jews and Gentiles. As
information for Jews of Rome, this final word of Paul is best understood as a
motive for repentance; knowledge of the divine plan of God, which will succeed
(28b), serves as an encouragement to Roman Jews to ‘turn and be healed by Me’.