Jean-Noël Aletti, «La soumission des chrétiens aux autorités en Rm 13,1-7. Validité des arguments pauliniens?», Vol. 89 (2008) 457-476
Rm 13,1-7 has been interpreted in many different ways, often incompatible. This article is an attempt to show that this passage cannot be understood without its immediate context and also that its aim is neither to work out a political doctrine,
nor to ground the legitimacy of political power; nor does Paul push Christians to influence political life, but he urges them to overcome a possible attitude of fear and implicitly to extend their agape to all human beings. In doing so he innovates.
476 Jean-Noël Aletti
en définitive l’ajgavph et que cette dernière doit leur faire dépasser la
peur, même et surtout devant des autorités politiques ayant pouvoir de
vie et de mort. Car en Rm 12–13, nous l’avons vu, non seulement Paul
fait de l’ajgavph le principe de l’agir chrétien pour les relations entre
membres de l’Église (ad intra), mais il l’étend implicitement pour
celles ad extra. En faisant de l’ajgavph le premier et le dernier mot de
cette sous-section de Rm et en donnant à entendre que tous, les
chrétiens et les autres, en sont les destinataires, Paul innove, tout
Pontificio Istituto Biblico Jean-Noël ALETTI
via della Pilotta, 25
I-00187 – Roma
Rm 13,1-7 has been interpreted in many different ways, often incompatible. This
article is an attempt to show that this passage cannot be understood without its
immediate context and also that its aim is neither to work out a political doctrine,
nor to ground the legitimacy of political power; nor does Paul push Christians to
influence political life, but he urges them to overcome a possible attitude of fear
and implicitly to extend their agape to all human beings. In doing so he innovates.