Josep Rius-Camps - Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, «The Variant Readings of the Western Text of the Acts of the Aspostles (XXV) (Acts 18:24–19:40).», Vol. 26 (2013) 127-163
In the text of Acts according to Codex Bezae, a fourth and final part of the book begins at 18.24. It is Paul’s ultimate goal of Rome that separates it from the earlier missionary phases and confers unity on the remainder of the book. In this opening section (Section I), his activity will be centred for three years in Ephesus, the main city of Asia, where he will meet with some success despite hostility from some of the Jews. In his dealings with the Gentiles, opposition will also be encountered because of the threat posed by his teachings to the trade of the city. The Bezan narrator indicates plainly that Paul’s travel to Ephesus should have been the initial stage of his journey to the imperial capital. Additional references in Codex Bezae to the directions given to Paul by the Holy Spirit make clear that his visit had been prepared for by the work of Apollos; however, it was contrary to his own intentions, which were rather to go back to Jerusalem. The struggle against the divine leading is seen as Paul terminates his stay in Asia once he has carefully prepared for his return to Jerusalem.
130 Josep Rius-Camps and Jenny Read-Heimerdinger
[A'a] 19:1a Although Paul wanted ac- 19:1a It happened that while Apollos
cording to his own desire to go to was in Corinth
Hierosoluma, the Spirit told him to
return to Asia.
[b] 1b Having gone through the upper 1b Paul, having gone through the up-
parts, he arrives in Ephesus; per parts, arrived in Ephesus
[c] 1c and when he found some disci- 1c and found some disciples. 2a He
ples, 2a he said to them, ‘Did you said to them, ‘Did you receive the
receive the Holy Spirit when you be- Holy Spirit when you became believ-
came believers?’ ers?’
[cc] 2b They said to him, ‘In fact, we 2b They said to him, ‘In fact, we
haven’t heard that anyone receives haven’t heard that there is a Holy
the Holy Spirit’. Spirit’.
[d] 3a He said, ‘So what were you bap- 3a He said, ‘So what were you bap-
tized into?’ tized into?’
[dd] 3b They said, ‘Into the baptism of 3b They said, ‘Into the baptism of
John’. John’.
[e] 4 Paul said, ‘John baptized with a 4 Paul said, ‘John baptized with a
baptism of repentance saying that it baptism of repentance saying that it
was in the one coming after him the was in the one coming after him the
people should believe, that is, the people should believe, that is, Jesus’.
[d'] 5 On hearing this, they were bap- 5 When they heard, they were bap-
tized into the name of the Lord Je- tized into the name of the Lord Jesus.
sus Christ for the forgiveness of sins;
[c'] 6a and as Paul laid hands on them, 6a and as Paul laid his hands on
straightaway the Holy Spirit fell on them, the Holy Spirit came on them,
[b'] 6b They began speaking in tongues 6b and they began speaking in
and prophesying. tongues and prophesying.
[a'] 7 The whole group came to 12 men. 7 There were about 12 men in all.
Critical Apparatus
18:24 Ἀπολλῶϛ ὀνόματι B P74 א2 614. 1739 M | Ἀπελλῆϛ *א36. 307.
431. 453. 536. 610. 1175 pc bo arm; Didymus Ammonius || ὀνόματι
Ἀπολλώνιοϛ D, nomine Apollonius d (33) gig (s).
On the question of the word order used with ὀνόματι, see Read-
Heimerdinger, The Bezan Text, pp. 85–88. The order that places the name
before ὀνόματι is unusual, being found only at Acts 5:1 AT (Ananias);
9:11 (Saul; lac. D05), 12 (another Ananias; lac. D05); 19:24 (Demetrios;
om. ὀνόματι D05 d5 gig). At the many occurrences of the phrase else-