Csaba Balogh, «'He Filled Zion with Justice and Righteousness'. The Composition of Isaiah 33», Vol. 89 (2008) 477-504
In contrast to most opinions concerning Isa 33 this pericope is far too complex to be explained as one coherent literary unit. Isa 33 has a short anti-Assyrian woe-cry at its bases (vv. 1+4), which once closed the woe-cries of Isa 28–32. Vv. 1+4 were supplemented first (around 598 or 587) by a communal lament, vv. 2-3+5+7-12, bringing the idea of the punishment of Judah and the temporised destruction of the enemy in vv. 1+4 further. Second, (shortly after 539) vv. 1-5.7-12 were expanded by a salvation prophecy, vv. 6+13-24, concerning the returnees, the restoration of Jerusalem and the monarchy.
“He Filled Zion with Justice and Righteousness†483
In the case of Isa 33,5b one should look for parallels in which fpvm
and hqdx are used together, with YHWH as performer. This leads to —
for our case most illuminative — Isa 5,16: “YHWH of hosts will be
exalted (hbg) in judgment (fpvm) and the holy God will show himself
holy in righteousness (hqdx).†It is strange that this verse is barely
mentioned in connection with 33,5. Not only do both fpvm and hqdx
appear here, but they are used in connection with the exaltation of
YHWH, as in 33,5. The exaltation of YHWH is connected to his
judgment (and not salvation!) on Judah (29). When 33,5 maintains that
YHWH filled Zion with justice and righteousness, it looks back to Isa
5,16 and considers 33,5 to be the fulfilment of this prediction: YHWH
performed justice in Zion, who was punished for her sins. hqdxw fpvm
were re-established (cf. Isa 4,4).
This throws an interesting light on the relation of v. 5 with vv.
1+4. According to v. 1, as soon as the destroyer is ready with its work
(Ëšmthk / Ëštl[n/k]k) (30), it will be destroyed. V. 5 suggests that this time
has now come. When Zion was filled with hqdxw fpvm, divine
punishment was brought to accomplishment. In his judgment, through
this human tool (cf. Isa 10,5), YHWH manifested himself as an exalted
powerful king (Isa 5,19). If this interpretation is correct, Isa 33,5 is part
of a later elaboration on vv. 1+4.
Those who translate the qatal form of alm in v. 5 as future rely on v.
6, with which this is seen as strongly related. Although 33,6 is
extremely difficult to translate, it is most likely that hyhw alludes here to
the future. The poetic structure of v. 6 may be represented as follows:
and the steadfastness of your times will become (like)
Ëšyt[ tnwma hyhw
a stronghold of salvation,
t[wvy ˆsj
wisdom and knowledge (31), (i.e.)
t[dw tmkj
the fear of YHWH,
hwhy tary
that will be his treasure house.
wrxwa ayh
(29) YHWH’s exaltation is also connected to judgment in 2,6-22, although
neither hqdx nor fpvm appear here. Isa 2,11,17 uses the same bgc niphal as 33,5b
(see below).
(30) k is rendered as ‘according to’ by SWEENEY, Isaiah, 422. However, the
temporal connotation of the verbs μmt and hln/k makes this unlikely. Sweeney’s
translation would require Ëšddvk and Ëšdgbk. For Ëštl[n/k]k, see below.
(31) Cf. JOÜON – MURAOKA, Grammar, §129s. t[dw hmkj appears to be a
hendiadys for wisdom (Qoh 1,16; 2,26; Isa 47,10). According to wisdom
traditions (Prov 1,7), hmkj means hwhy tary.