Wolfgang Fenske, «Aspekte Biblischer Theologie dargestellt an der Verwendung von Ps 16 in Apostelgeschichte 2 und 13», Vol. 83 (2002) 54-70
The author in his study of the appropriation of Ps 16 in Acts 2 brings out various aspects of biblical theology. The Hebrew text was just as important for the development of christological doctrines as was the LXX. The christian appropriation of the texts continues what had always been happening with the texts which are painted over on the basis of a new experience of God’s activity in Jewish history. It is the task of exegesis to draw out these steps towards the formulation of a creed, with a view to appreciating God’s activity in particular historical situations. In the OT Christians recognize God’s activity which is, however, not confined within the OT/NT but is actualized by those who appropriate it. In this way the texts’ claim to validity is confirmed and they become verifiable in the present. The question of whether the OT should be understood from the perspective of the NT or vice versa becomes irrelevant, for from the perspective of appropriating texts what counts is that the reading of one text influences the interpretation of another. Christian texts through their appropriation of the OT require adherence to it. The union of OT/NT remains nevertheless fraught with tension. This is not, however, a theme in the relationship of Jews and Christians but belongs to christology.
jüdischer Interpretation ist, wie ein Vergleich der Psalmen-Auslegung Luthers mit rabbinischer Interpretation zeigt36, mit christlicher Freiheit gleichzustellen37. Das heißt, daß die Aussage, Rabbinen hätten gegenüber christlichen Exegeten den Vorzug, weil sie in einem Strom mündlicher Überlieferung stehen38, nicht den Gegebenheiten von Rezeption entspricht39, da Rezeption immer von Gruppeninterpretationen in ihrer jeweiligen Zeit abhängig ist40.
Die Frage ist also nicht, ob neutestamentliche oder rabbinische Auslegung alttestamentlichen Texten gegenüber angemessen ist, sondern sie lautet: In welchen Gruppen wird die jeweilige Interpretation akzeptiert? Und für die jeweilige Gruppe wird die