Martin McNamara, «Melchizedek: Gen 14,17-20 in the Targums, in Rabbinic and Early Christian Literature», Vol. 81 (2000) 1-31
The essay is introduced by some words on the nature of the Aramaic translations of Gen 14 used in the study (the Tgs. Onq., Pal. Tgs. as in Tgs. Neof. I, Frg. Tgs., Ps.-J.). Tg. Neof. identifies the Valley of Shaveh (Gen 14,17) as the Valley of the Gardens (pardesaya). The value of Tg. Neof.s evidence here is doubtful. Most Targums retain Melchizedek as a personal name (not so Tg. Ps.-J.). Salem of v. 18 is identified as Jerusalem. Melchizedek is identified as Shem, son of Noah, mainly because of the life-span assigned to Shem in Gen 11. The question of Melchizedeks priesthood in early rabbinic tradition and in the Targums (Tg. Gen 14; Tg Ps. 110) is considered, as is also the use of Jewish targumic-type tradition on Melchizedek in such early Fathers as Jerome, Ephrem, and Theodore of Mopsuestia.
referring to a known-place name, but rather understanding the MT Myd#& as the plural of hd#&, "field, open place". Whatever of this, it is unlikely that the author or compiler of Tg. Neof. would have used the same Aramaic term to identify two quite distinct place-names of the Hebrew Text.
III. Hebrew Texts and Targums: Gen 14,18
Hebrew Text
Ml#$ Klm qd( yklmw
(a)Targum Onqelos10
Ml#$ryd )klm qdc yklmw
(a)Targum Neofiti
hbwr M#$ )wh Ml#$wryd )klm qdc )klmw
rmxw Mxl qp) (b)
h)l( )hl) Mdq htbr [h]tnhkb #$m#$m Nhk hwh )whw
Targum Neofiti marg
)yyly( )hl)l
(as variant for h)l( )hl) Mdq htbr [h]tnhkb)Fragment TargumsVNL
)br M#$ )wh Ml#$wryd )klm qdc yklmw
(a)Fragment TargumsP
)br M#$ )whd Ml#$wryd )klm qdc yklm
(a)Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Mrb) twmdql qpn Myl#$wryd )klm xn rb M#$ )wh )qydc )klmw (a)
rmxw Myxl hyl qyp)w (b)
h)ly( )ql) Mdq #$m#$m hwh )nmyz )yhhbw